Program Pengiklanan 100 blog Exabytes

Pernah dengar iklan Exabytes ni? Daku terbaca tentang iklan ini di blog En. Jamal, ada tertera syarat2 untuk kita memohon pihak Exabytes untuk mengiklankan banner mereka di blog kita. Syarat2nya ialah:-

1. If you have at least 200 unique visitors per day, we are interested to advertise with you.
2. Submit a screenshot of your unique visitors for the past 1 month to .
3. The approval process will take 3-4 working days.
4. Upon Approval, you will receive a link to download an invoice template. You are required to fill out all the details and send it back to us.
5. We will provide the banner script in every 1st & 3rd week of the month.
6. Once the Banner is up, kindly inform Exabytes so that we are aware of the start & end date.

Terms and Conditions
1. Blog traffic must be mainly from Malaysia.
2. Payment will be made 6 weeks after the banner is up by cheque.
3. Payment/Cheque will only be sent to Addresses in Malaysia.
4. If the information provided in the invoice is inaccurate and cheque has been sent out, Blogger must bear the cheque cancellation cost unless the cheque is sent back to Exabytes Network.
5. Advertising approval depends on blog traffic, traffic source, content niche and bounce rate.
Email us your website visits at

Rasanya tak salah untuk mencuba kan?? So kepada mereka yang ingin apply bolehlah printsreen UV melalui statistic di Nuffnang dan emelkan ke mana tahu ada rezeki kawan2 kan. Kepada yang blognya masih kurang dari 200 UV per day jangan kecewa ok, banyak cara untuk up kan traffik dengan melihat tahap kerajinan meng update blog dan sebagainya Alhamdulillah application daku dah diterima, sekrang ni bertungkus lumus untuk maintain traffik jela sebab pihak Exabytes akan hlod our payment if the UV less than 200 a day..

P/S : Daku cuti arini dating ngan hubby hehhehehe, malam tadi tgk ombak rindu kat you tube, bangun pagi mata bengkak..hubby kata kalau bengkak mata tahajjud malam takpe juge...oopppsss terkono den hehehhehe 

